Key Signatures
Time Signatures
Tools of Sound
Sound Waves
LEMT Table of Contents
1. A B C D E F G
2. Sharps and Flats
3. Wonderful Exceptions to the Rule!
Guestbook Chat
Fingering Charts
LEMT Page2
4. Don't B Sharp, Don't B Flat, Just B Natural
5. Yeah, But What Does It SOUND Like?
6. The G and A Connection
7. Scales
8. Enharmonics
9. Chromatics
LEMT Page3
10. Different Keys in the Major Scale
11. Now You Have the Keys!
LEMT Page4
12. What About C and F Major?
13. Reviewing Flats/Sharps Order
14. Octaves
15. Triads
16. Staves n' Staff/Lines n' Spaces
17. Triads on the Move
LEMT Page5
18. Why Do I Need Chords?
19. Adding to Triads
20. Let's Rock!
21. Rocking On
22. Rhythm
23. The Long and Short
of Rhythm
LEMT Page6
24. Beat Down
25. Practicing Techniques
26. Guitar Tab and Notes
LEMT Page7
27. For Good Measure
28. Caught Between Bars
29. Trip, Trip, Triplets
30. Circle of Fifths
LEMT Page8
31. Notes for Yourself
32. Piece by Piece Practice
LEMT Page9
33. Rhythm and Sound Conversation
34. Some Sound Subtleties
LEMT Page10
35. minor subject
36. Pentatonic Funk
Tools of Sound
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Sheet Music
Rests in Sheet Music
Rhythm 1
Time Signatures
Rhythm Basics
Key Signatures
Treble and Bass Clefs
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